In addition to the 12 other New Year’s Eve parties we already told you about, here’s another fun-sounding one. Mission Bowling Club will be ushering out 2012 with a ticketed “Bowl in the New Year” party ($85) replete with bowling, photo booth, raffle and a dance party.
Even more interesting is the news (via Eater SF) that MBC’s owners Anthony Myint and Sommer Peterson plan to bump up the dining program at the bowling alley in 2013, rechristening the front restaurant as “The Dining at MBC” and debuting a fancier, yet still casual menu. They’ve promoted chef Chris Kiyuna (a Coi vet) to oversee the new kitchen program and on New Year’s Eve, Kiyuna’s will prepare a four-course ($50) sit-down dinner at MBC to show a glimmer of what his future menu will look and taste like.